Notifly, respond to messages from any screenSome times we get preoccupied with our smartphone doing several things. For some people, they get absorbed in a smartphone game and for some, they get involved in an operation that can't be canceled, closed or exited. In the process of doing all these things, you can receive a very urgent and important message from your boss at work, parents or important people that need to be replied immediately. Notifly is the best option for you. It allows you to reply to messages and still remain on the same window on your smartphone.
A development team at Flyperinc made the app that allows you to respond to messages from any screen on your Android device. The app displays a chat head-style like Facebook for incoming messages. It works with messaging services like WhatsApp, Facebook, telegram, hangouts, Gmail, e.t.c.

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How to respond to messages from any screen on your Android.

The below procedures and steps would give necessary information to use notifly;
=> Download Notifly or download from Google playstore. It can also be downloaded by searching Google for Notifly.apk download.

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Granting notifly additional permissions

=> Grant Notifly additional permissions to receive notification content on your Android device. Tap the receive Notification option and enable the Notifly entry.

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Granting notifly additional permissions

=> All your compatible messaging apps would be displayed in Notifly which may include Gmail, Hangouts, telegram, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, and several other messaging app would be displayed.

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=> Click settings entry beneath any of your messaging apps to adjust Notifly options. You can change the color of the notification interface(This feature requires an in-app purchase of $0.99). Change other settings to suit your needs. The premium version include all features and no advertisement.

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Stackeet Channel: Join Our Telegram Channel and Learn how to earn $10,000 in 30 days.

receiving notifications with notifly

=> Wait to get a new message to see effects of Notifly.
NOTE : Disable apps like Facebook messenger which already has a chat head notification bubble so you don't get two chat heads at the same time.

Stackeet: How to make $1,000 on Telegram in 24 hours.

Stackeet Channel: Join Our Telegram Channel and Learn how to earn $10,000 in 30 days.

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